
Praise God that He loves me no matter who I am and what mistakes I make daily. I have been (and still am) so focused on myself. The trials haven't stopped since my last post- they have only gotten harder. Every day, Satan hits me with something else. I know that my life could be much harder, and that I am truly blessed, but I have a hard time looking past the trials of this life. I guess everyone does. I say over and over again that I don't understand why doing something that I KNOW is God's will causes so much struggle, but I know why. It says in the Word over and over again that trials are part of this life, and those trials are what produce steadfastness, patience, trust, and faith. Without the trials, how else would we learn to trust God to provide? Also, when Satan knows that God is going to use you to further His kingdom, He will do anything and everything he can to get you to change your path.
There are so many things that I could go into the details about, but I won't because those details don't really matter. The thing that matters is that I need to begin looking at others, and see what I can do to serve them and pray for them. That will be the only way to get the focus off of myself, and on to God and others.
"Lord I want to yearn for you. I want to burn with passion over you, and only you. Lord I want to yearn."
This is my cry and my desire. I meet people, who, I can see Jesus all over them. That's the person that I want to be. I don't want people to look at me and see stress and anxiety. I want people to see Jesus. I want to have so much passion for Jesus, that He's all that I can talk about or think about. I want to love like Jesus, live like Jesus.
"Great is the Lord. So worthy of praise. Great is the Lord. One generation will commend your kingdom, to one another they will, speak of you. And I will meditate on your wonder, and they, they will speak of your glorious splendor. Of your majesty, every day I will praise thee. For ever and ever. Every day I will praise. Every day I will praise. For you open your hand and satisfy desires of all things. My God, the King.
The Lord is gracious and slow to anger, He is rich in love, He is good to all. The Lord is gracious and slow to anger, He is rich in love, He is, good to all. All who call on Him. He hears their cry, and saves them, He saves them.
Lord you are gracious, you are slow to anger, abounding in love, you are, good to all."
Psalm 145- Shane & Shane
This Psalm speaks of God's amazing character. It speaks of His love, His will, His grace and mercy, His provision, His greatness, His splendor, His salvation, His glory,... Of course, these are merely words, and there really are no words to speak that suffice. Just like the song, Indescribable; He is truly that.
"Indescribable, uncontainable. You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name. You are amazing God. All powerful, untameable. Awstruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, you are amazing God."


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