One of your visitors is me, Kristy! I love your is a wealth of information, a peek into your life and a window into your heart! I'm always glad that I stopped by, even if I don't have the time to comment! Keep it coming, you are an encouragement to many, including this old bird in Las Cruces, NM...probably pops up from colorado or something crazy like that...LOL! Have a great week! Blessings, Kristy
It's me! I know I've left a couple of comments...I actually started reading while in Spokane, WA but have since moved to Anchorage, AK. I've been reading for a while and have been so incredibly blessed! Thank you for sharing your life, struggles and all. I'm always amazed how the Author writes each of our story, and it's fun to get a small peek into someone else's. :)
Gretchen said…
Hi! I don't like commenting but feel somewhat like a stalker for reading your blog and never introducing myself :-) I too am a working Christian mom recently interested in healthy living, and struggle with the balance that all of that involves, so I like hearing what you have to say! I am near Harrisburg, PA, and I work for a baptist missionary organization here in the finance dept, and I have an adorable 2 year old daughter. Keep up the good blogging ;-)