Weekly Meal and Exercise Plan

Our schedule has been so crazy that our meal plans haven't been working out so well.  We have been eating out way too much lately!  I'm going to be more intentional this week so that we will actually stick to a plan :-).  I want to feel better physically, and that will only happen if I eat better :-).

Here's our meal plan:


  • Monday- Roasted chicken, sweet potato fries
  • Tuesday- Chicken tortilla soup (with leftover chicken)
  • Wednesday- Baked sweet potatoes or baked potatoes with toppings
  • Thursday- "Burrito bowls" (beans and brown rice, avocado, tomato, raw cheddar)
  • Friday- Finger foods (game night!)
  • Saturday- Pan-seared lemon-pepper chicken and roasted veggies
  • Sunday- Leftover night!!


  • Peanut butter and raw honey sandwiches, fruit, and veggies
  • Boiled eggs, raw cheddar, fruit, veggies, quinoa and black bean chips
  • Turkey and cheese sandwiches, fruit, veggies
  • Whole wheat pita bread, hummus, fruit, veggies


  • Pumpkin muffins, fruit
  • Cottage cheese, fruit
  • Scrambled eggs, toast with butter and raw honey
  • Green smoothie, toast

On top of these healthy meals, I am taking Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil and Garden of Life Raw Women whole foods vitamin daily.

Exercise Plan
My plan is to do Yoga on Monday/Wednesday/Friday (evenings) and run on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday (mornings).  I really want to run a 5k on Thanksgiving day, and at this point, I'm not sure that I'd be able to!  We'll see :-).  I guess I could sign up for it, then I would have to do it :-).


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