Change of Word for the Year 2014

I wrote last week about my word for the new year- I said that it was going to be HEALTH.  I honestly didn't pray at all about it... just assumed that it made the most sense :-).  Health is one of my goals, but it isn't supposed to be my focus. 

I spent quite a bit of time in prayer yesterday, and it was amazing.  God has taught me so much this year, and I have come a LONG way from where I was a year ago... actually, I've come a long way even in the past few months. 

With all the time I spent with Jesus, I came to one conclusion: my word for 2014 needs to be LIVE. 

LIVE life.
LIVE for Jesus.
LIVE to give.
Eat and exercise to LIVE.
LIVE to love others.
LIVE to serve.
LIVE to be who I am called to be. 

These aren't "resolutions," just what I feel God telling me to do this year... I have just survived for far too long... It's time I LIVE. 

This is my song for the year- Running to You by Shane and Shane
"My heart just started beating; Your breath filled up my lungs.  My eyes are finally seeing what You've done and who I am!
To You, I'm a dead man raised, a liberated slave.  I'm running.  To You, my hands are raised.  I'm giving everything!  I'm running!
I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, running to You!"


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