Purpose of this blog
I am by no means an expert at anything... I am just excited about all the information that I've gathered through the past few years and wanted a way to put it all in one place, and give others access to the info that I have found. Some of this is opinion, some of it is what I've found online (will give links to it!), and some of it is what I have put together with opinion and facts. Take what you want and leave the rest! This is our life and what we believe works for our family! This site is a work in progress!
Some things that I will be blogging about are:
Some things that I will be blogging about are:
- Home organization (including my Household Notebook- in progress)
- Homemade Cleaners (laundry detergent, dish detergent, other cleaners)
- Homemade recipes (bread, etc)
- Parenting (what I've learned so far as a parent- what works and doesn't work for us! This includes discipline and the daily stuff)
- Lessons for Karis (will be starting these soon)
- Natural Family Info (cloth diapering, babywearing, exclusive breastfeeding, etc- also new at this!)
- Homebirth (very close to my heart at the moment!)
- My spiritual walk (what God has been teaching me)
- Health (nutrition, herbal remedies, etc)