New BumGenius Cloth Diapers!!

Robert and I have decided to go ahead and buy some more cloth diapers for the new baby, so I went to my favorite cloth diaper online retailer (Nicki's Diapers) to check out what they have.  I found out that BumGenius has two new systems out!!  One of them is called the Flip System.  With this system, you buy covers and inserts, but unlike the pocket diapers, you can just wipe and reuse the covers (and the inserts just sit inside instead of you having to stuff them).  When you buy a day pack, you receive 6 inserts and 2 covers.  This is only $50!  Also, they have snaps instead of velcro!!  Oh, and they are one size.
Also, they have a system called Econobum.  These are even cheaper than the Flip.  For $50, you receive 12 prefolds and 3 covers.  You don't have a choice of colors; they are all white... but it doesn't really matter what color they are!!  These are also one size and snap instead of velcro.
We have decided to buy one box of each system.  So, for $100, we will have about 2 - 2 1/2 days worth of diapers!!  The diapers that we bought for Ethan (BumGenius One Size Pockets) were about $250 for 15.  I still can't believe how cheap these diapers are going to be compared to the pockets and compared to using disposable.  I'm thankful that something like this is available!  Just in time!!


Nicole Lavoie said…
how are these daipers working that you bought for Levi? we have the bumgenius one size and a fer oh gosh cant remember but they are all in one's for Ethan but i want some more so im not washing so much we do ours every other too

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