Ethan Robert

Ethan Robert was born at 3:19 am on June 14th! He was 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long! He is beautiful :). The labor was only 5 hours long. It was pretty intense, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. I would do it again! I have been feeling wonderful since and think this is the best recovery I could have asked for.

I will write my whole birth story later, but for now, here are some pictures!


Holly said…
He's beautiful Courtney. Congratulations!!!!
mullensfam said…
Praise God! He looks precious!
emily said…
He is so cute! I love him so much! Can't wait to see more pictures!!!!
Hepworths said…
Yay! Congratulations! He is sweet and perfect and beautiful! I'm glad you were able to wait it out and do it the natural way you wanted to.

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