We're Moving in 2 weeks!!

What. A. Week.

I'm so exhausted.  But the news that I got today over-shadows that exhaustion.  Our loan is officially approved!!  We close on March 1st and will be moving in that next weekend!! 

I feel like I have sooooo much to write and share, but I'm so tired that I can't really think straight :). 

Here are some scattered thoughts:

My favorite time of the day is when I rock my Ethan before bed.  He's such a sweet, amazing little boy.  He loves to sing and cuddle... and so do I!

I love that my kids fight over whose brother Levi is :) ("he's my brother!  no, he's my brother!").  Today in the car, Ethan said, "Levi is Karis' brother," and Karis said, "Levi is Ethan's brother."  So now they are in agreement. hehe

Karis is so grown up.  She is amazing.  She is a sponge and remembers everything.  She shares her deep ideas with me on our drive home in the evenings.  :)

Levi is almost walking.  I blinked and he grew up.  He was barely crawling a month ago and now he's about to walk.  He also "talks" and "sings" a lot.  And he loves to dance.  He's a cuddler and gives really good kisses. 

Ethan can now count to like 13... and it's mostly because of his "teacher" at "school"...  I'm very happy with our choice.  I couldn't do a better job than they are doing.  He also loves to sing and read. :)  Oh, and he's almost potty trained (also because of his "teacher").  I'm a horrible potty trainer, but they are great. 

My husband is amazing.  Tuesday, I forgot to bring some very important folders with me to my training afterschool, so he took off work early, went to the house, drove them to me, and then drove back home.  I love that man.  He takes care of me. 

We will most likely not be putting the kids into my school afterall... Long story, but mainly because if they go to the local school, they can go to the afterschool program offered at the school instead of having to bus over to a program that's not very good.  And, even better, they have art and music! I'm excited.  Karis is such an artsy kid.

I love my job more now than ever before... and I love that I have a teacher trainer to work with me and help me get better at my job.  I had a conference with her the other day and she told me that I'm at a point now in which she would like to see me take the lessons deeper... I have excellent control of the classroom, I have a nice routine in place, so now she wants me to think "how can I take this deeper" when I plan my lessons... how can I get the kids to be engaged from inside of them (bringing the lessons deeper naturally).  She said that she knows that I can do it, but to not overthink things (because she knows me well enough now to know that I do that!).

I went to the Tom Thumb store that is a few streets from our new house, and it is great!  Most Tom Thumbs are kind of "sucky," but this one is very nice, has lots of organics at a great price, and has a beautiful produce section.  And their natural meat is cheap!  So, it looks like I'll rarely have to leave the area!  I can't wait to not have to fight Dallas traffic. 

Karis has been talking about her birthday party for a while... so it looks like we're not getting out of throwing her a big party this year.  Tinkerbell party here we come!  She is SO my daughter. 

Okay... I think that is all for now.  I'm going to bed.  :)


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