My New Job

This week has been a whirlwind, but it has been amazing.  God provided me a job that is a perfect fit.  It's SUCH a long story, so here's the short version:
Monday morning I got a call from the school with a job offer for a first grade position.  She asked me when I could be there and emailed me the in-service schedule.  I didn't really have much time to process... I just went to work lining out childcare.  I visited the place that we thought we would go with, and I felt comfortable with it after watching her interact with the kids.  She's licensed and has a good record with the state.  She is very interactive with the kids, including having circle time, reading to them, singing/dancing, doing a craft, and does "Your baby can read."  The kids also get to play outside which is great.  And she has NO trouble getting them to take a nap :).  It is a great, structured environment for them. 

When I got home that day, I went to work baking/cooking for the week.  I made lunches for everyone.  I laid out the kids' clothes for the next day.  I got as organized as I could with a short notice :).

I went to training the next day (which was the second day for new teachers), and during our tour of the school was asked if I wanted to move to 2nd grade (long story as to why, and I'm not sure that I even know all the details).  I was SO excited.  Not only did I get to teach a grade that I feel more comfortable teaching, I got to be on a team that I was similar to in personality.  It has been great.  Also, because I moved to 2nd grade, I got a bigger room :). 

I have learned so much this week during training.  The school/organization (it's a charter school so they are called an organization instead of a "district") is SO organized and methodical about everything.  With-in the past 3 or so years, they have gone from an academically unacceptable standing to a recognized standing with the state.  That's an AMAZING improvement.  Everyone there is very passionate about what they do.  I haven't met one teacher yet that just treats it like any old job.  Another amazing thing is that everything that I've heard about the principal is GREAT.  Most people say that after working for him, they couldn't work for any other principal.  The campus that I work at is a big family.  They all love it.  There's very little drama and/or gossip (from what I can tell so far).  Everyone works together. 
I could go on and on...

I feel that I have found where I fit.  I feel that I could stay there for a long time. 

Robert is very supportive of me.  I'm so thankful for that because especially these first several weeks as I get everything together, I will be very busy.  Then I will be busy all year, but I think once I get into a rhythym it won't be too bad.

I love that when I get home and the kids get home, I enjoy every moment that I spend with them.  I hold them, kiss them, play with them, and just treasure my time with them.  They also come home from playing and learning all day, so they are usually in great moods :). 

It's all a huge adjustment, but everything is right. I've never really felt that things were just right until now.  Robert is in the right job, I'm in the right job, and we live in the right place.  I'm so thankful that after such a rough year, God has lined everything up so perfectly.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.  He knows what's best... and I DON'T :). 

Now, once we get caught up financially (I don't get paid til the end of September and we're paying childcare!), we can begin saving up to move out one day :).  We will probably look in the town that some of our friends live in, and it is close to the church and not too long of a drive to my school.  We'll cross that bridge when we get there.  It'll be a while because we don't want to jump into anything, and we want to have some money saved up.  It's just nice that we have that option now :). 
Robert will most likely not start classes til next semester.  Since we have been so busy since we got here, and we were trying to get everything figured out for me, he hasn't even had a chance to begin the process.  We'll get there.  One thing at a time!  I think it's good for him to have a little break from stress for a little while :).

PRAISE JESUS for His provision!  He constantly amazes me!


Anonymous said…
God is wonderful. My school is doing traing right now too and it is a wealth of information. Good information.
Jackie Lura said…
That is wonderful Courtney! God is good... all the time!

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