Special Projects this week (with pictures)

I had several projects that I wanted to get done this week, and now I have pictures of them :). I didn't take any "before" pictures. Sorry :)

I turned shelving (with random junk on it) in our laundry room into a pantry:

Organized the other food cabinets:

We rearranged our bedroom to fit the desk, etc:

I made my first batch of home-made granola:

And my favorite part, I made a "school area" for Karis and re-did the bulletin board:


Crys said…
Here's something to think about for your kids... My class is memorizing scripture. They just finished all of Psalm 100 (only a few verses) in 8 weeks. To make it easier for them, we connect some type of hand movement to each phrase, and learn 2 phrases a week. It brought tears to my eyes the first time they did the whole thing by themselves.

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