Update on Ethan

I took Ethan in yesterday for his second set of immunizations (we're being selective/delaying), and the doc is concerned with his head. First, she was concerned because his soft spot on the top of his head was closing up. Now she's not concerned with that because his head is still growing well. She's concerned with it flattening out too much, and more on one side. So the back of his head is crooked. I try to do tummy time, but I don't have carpet (tile), so that makes it difficult. Plus, he hates it. Lately I've been wearing him a lot more in a front carrier, and having him sit up in his bumbo. I hope that it corrects on its own, but we have to take him in for an x-ray. He may end up having to wear a helmet...
He's 17 pounds (95th percentile) and 25 1/2 inches (75-90th). He's only 3 1/2 months, so it seems as though he's probably going to be a tall boy. He's long and heavy. He's not fat necessarily, he's just solid. Robert is over 6 foot, and my dad is 6'6". Robert has a cousin that's over 7 foot... so, we'll see what happens!!
My doc actually told me to go ahead and start cereal (surprised me!) because he eats so much stinkin formula. He's gaining weight almost too fast. But, he's hungry. He very rarely spits up, so she's not concerned that I'm over feeding him; she just thinks he's a hungry boy. He eats 6 ounces at each feeding, and sometimes eats again after 1-2 hours. So, we'll start the cereal and see how it goes. I think he needs it. He's been intently watching me eat for a while, and he can sit up well with some support. I hope that this will slow down his weight gain. He has been gaining 3-4 pounds a month...


I have 2 clients with children who have the same problem. Noel the first one wore the helmet for 6 weeks (it was about 7 thousand dollars) and she was totally corrected! Yea!

Then second child Emmerson was already over the age limit for the helmet (like 18 months or 2 years ... I cant remember. He had head surgery to fix the problem.

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