Levi, the Kids, Robert's time off, etc........

Things are really going well.  I'm blessed :).

He's starting to chunk up, though still not as big as Ethan was at this age.  He has his first Dr. appointment on Monday, so I will know how much he weighs then.  I'm thinking probably about 10 pounds.  We'll see :).  He's in 0-3 month clothes, but many of them are too wide for him.  He's long and skinny (compared to my other babies).  The sleep and plays are almost too short, and his feet are a little too long for them.
He's a sweet boy :).  He wakes up on average once a night now, which is amazing!  And honestly, I don't know what I would do without that time.  I love rocking and nursing him in the quiet of the night.  Nursing is going really well.  He takes on average 3-5 ounces of formula a day (a little bit late morning, and a little bit late evening)... which, in my opinion, is nothing.  When I first started supplementing, I was giving more than that, and he was littler and needed less over all.  So, I would say that breastfeeding is successful this time!!  I LOVE it.  It gets easier and easier every day.  I wish I would have stuck it out in the past... I feel like I missed out by giving up so early.  But, oh well.  I can't go back and change the past!  I'll just keep going as long as I can this time!
Levi is also starting to smile now :). 

Robert's Time Off This Month
Robert got several days off this past week, and we just hang out the majority of the time (when he wasn't working even though he was off).  Wednesday we went on a hike and had a blast.  We are blessed to live on 260ish acres to roam around on :).  Thursday my mom came and watched the kids so that he and I could have a date day.  We went to Red Lobster (we had a gift card), then hung out at an awesome coffee shop in Austin.  We enjoyed our time away!
Next weekend we are going to Rockport to visit my grandparents and aunt and cousins.  I'm looking forward to getting away from the camp for a while because every time Robert is off, he gets calls all day and ends up going to work for a little while.  It gets a bit frustrating.  And if we're away, he can't do that!! :)  We are staying at grandma's Thursday night, then at a cottage Friday night through Monday.  It's going to be refreshing for all of us!!  We need it because summer is coming very soon, and life is only going to get crazier!!

Our "New" Car
Robert and I had some money put away to buy a bigger vehicle for our family.  We still have our Mazda Tribute because we are "upside down" on it, so we couldn't just trade it in... But, we desperately needed a vehicle that worked better for our family.  We have been looking for several months for one... we wanted to pay next to nothing for it, which meant that it was going to need some work (which Robert can do).  We didn't realize that God would bless us with the deal that we got!  We bought a '98 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer.  It had some issues, but Robert already worked most of them out.  We paid $1900 for it!  And it's worth, in fair condition, $4400!  The work that he has done, which only cost a few hundred, made it worth over $4,900.  We are truly blessed!  It is very comfortable and perfect for our family.  I will still use our other one when I am out and about by myself... my mom comes once a week and I usually take Levi and buy groceries, so that will be perfect.  And on date nights, etc we will use it.  Once it's not upside down anymore, I think we're going to sell it.  We'll see.

The "Older" Kids
They have been doing MUCH better lately.  Karis has grown up significantly since she turned four.  It's amazing.  I don't know who this little girl is :).  I definitely think four is my favorite age so far!  She's very helpful... and even when she starts throwing a fit, she stops very quickly.
Ethan is still an almost 2 year old boy, so he's into everything.  And he's still clingy and throws himself on the floor screaming... BUT, when you mention putting him in his room, most of the time, he says "none!" which means done :).  Then, he stops... he sometimes starts again, but that's okay.  He'll get there.
They have both enjoyed playing outside.  The weather has been great, so they get to play outside most days!  It's a blast!!

Despite the stresses of having three little ones 4 and under, I am enjoying life.  I am SO incredibly blessed with an amazing husband who would literally do anything for me and the kids, I have wonderful, beautiful children :).  I can't believe all that the Lord has blessed me with!!


Danielle Leigh said…
Your family is so cute and you are so blessed!

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