Grass Fed Beef

I have been looking more into eating grass fed beef, poultry, eggs, and milk products. It is really hard to find anything local around here, so I just thought I would give up! Well, I recently found a place in Marble Falls that sells grass-fed longhorn (ground beef), which is also the leanest kind of beef to buy. I'm SOOO excited. I emailed the guy, and he told me to just call him when I want some and let him know how much I want, and I can come pick it up (he even said that if the longhorns are around, we can see them- Karis would love that!). It is $5 a pound (yes, sounds like a lot of money, but it's very close to the price of our "natural" beef at HEB!). I think HEB's natural beef is $4.79ish a pound, so it's basically the same. Grass fed beef is SO much better for you. Check out for more information. There is another place in Fredericksburg that delivers to Austin once a week, so I may check them out for chickens/eggs. But, one thing at a time. I don't want to overwhelm myself! I'm also going to start shopping at the Farmer's Market in Bee Cave for all of our produce. It starts up again the first Saturday in February. So, for this week, I will stick with Sun Harvest (which is another great source of produce and meats!). HEB has great selection, but the more I learn about local/grass fed foods, the less interested in HEB foods I get. But, because of cost, I will still buy many things from there. Nothing beats their prices on organic! Although, Sun Harvest has them beat in some things!


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