Our Discipline and Daily Devotional

Robert and I have been reflecting on our discipline, how well we teach Karis to obey, and how good of a job we do with teaching her about Jesus (I realize that I've already written a post on this, I just wanted to update).
We have decided that we do a pretty good job with discipline. Although, we always have room for improvement. The biggest things that we are working on are consistency and not getting frustrated. Teaching character is an all day, every day thing, and sometimes it gets difficult :). The biggest thing in teaching to obey is NOT giving in, even when it gets difficult. When you say no, mean it. If she begins throwing a fit, don't put up with it. I've been working even harder with her, and she is throwing less fits already. The biggest problem that I had was allowing her to make too many choices (although, making choices is a great discipline to teach, but there are times when her choices aren't right). I'll keep updating as things continue to get better :).

We've decided to implement a daily devotional time. We have been reading to her from her children's Bible and devotional, but we think she's ready for more now. Each night, we will read something from either our Bible or her Bible, explain it, relate it to her life, and pray (SOAP- Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). When we pray, we pray for others. In a few months when she turns 3, we are going to begin scripture memorization with her. We also think it's important to just show her what being a Christ follower looks like by living for Christ. Her seeing us pray, read God's word, and worship, are just a few ways. Showing her how to handle situations in a godly way, etc, are other ways to show her.

We have a lot to learn, and a long way to go, but I just thought I would share our journey :).


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