4 Weeks

I found out yesterday that I'm expecting baby #3, and since this is probably going to be our last little one, I want to savor every moment of the pregnancy. I created a separate blog as more of a journal to record milestones, appointments with my midwife, etc.

Right now, I am 4 weeks pregnant. I found out I was pregnant on the day I would have started my period (yesterday). The way I found out is pretty funny! Monday, I bought a cheapy Wal-mart test. I have been feeling pregnant (I just KNEW with my last two, so I thought maybe that was the case again), and even though it was a little early, I thought I would try. Well, about a minute after I took it, it was negative, so I just threw it away (the better ones usually show almost immediately, so I figured that was it). Well, yesterday (Wednesday) I just had a weird thought to check it again, and it showed positive. I was a little confused and thought that maybe it just did something weird cause it sat there for a few days. I looked at the package insert and it said that after 10 minutes to disregard the results. But, I have NEVER had that happen before... so, I decided to go ahead and get a box of 2 more ("name brand") tests just in case. They were both positive :). So, it's official. Three positive tests!!! Apparently the one on Monday, I just didn't wait long enough!

My first appointment with my midwife is Tuesday, June 23rd. I'm looking forward to it!!!

I have many emotions running through my head... I'm excited, happy, worried, nervous, etc. I'm a little worried about finances and the extra stress of having another little one (three kids 4 and under). But, I am ultimatley super excited and happy because I know that God is the one who opened my womb, and I know that He has big plans!! I have always wanted 3 kids!! And, I'm excited about being pregnant again, feeling the kicks and movements, and having another homebirth. It was an amazing experience with Ethan, and I can't wait to experience it again!!


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