Raw Milk

I have been doing quite a bit of research on the benefits of raw milk, and so far, the benefits out-weigh the possible cons. Here is an excellent blog with lots of history and details about raw milk (this guy lives in Austin). I have read about the benefits of raw milk on MANY websites as well as books. I found out today that I can buy it in Austin. I haven't made my decision yet, but I'm leaning that way.


Katie Fox said…
Courtney, I have been lurking on your blog for awhile but after reading your post today I decided it's time to de-lurk. :) My name is Katie Fox and I am Jeremy Fox's sister-in-law; his mom, Janie, is my MIL and she told me about your blog. Anyway, we cloth diaper, drink raw milk, have natural childbirth, delay vacs, etc. We live in Austin and I can hook you up with sources for raw milk, if you're interested. That blog you linked to is written by a man who is part of a local nutrition group that I am also part of. Anyway - email me if you're interested or want to know more!
Anonymous said…
Hey Coutrney, I am all about healthy children. I am no wherre near having children, but what can i say I think about all the possibilities anyway.

Thanks this is advice is good for any woman, married or unmarried.

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