Family Tragedy

My brother, Joey, passed away on Monday, November 30th.  It is a complete shock and we are all still trying to wrap our minds around everything.

Joey had a wonderful heart.  He loved people more deeply than anyone else I know.  Too deeply.  He was a very intelligent young man and thought about things in a whole different way than anyone else.  He was good at anything he picked up.  He loved the guitar and rock music, wrote many of his owns songs and poems, and he loved to draw and was really good at it.  He was a great uncle to his niece and nephew, and was excited that his new nephew was going to be named after him (Levi's middle name is going to be Joseph).  Karis loved her uncle Joey.  One day, I found a picture of her Uncle Joey in her shoe.  This was the last time that Joey was in the hospital.  I guess she thought it would make them closer.  She was worried about him.  It's amazing how much love a little one can have for a person.
It's going to be a rough Christmas this year.  I have peace that he's with Jesus, but we miss him.



Anonymous said…
I am so sorry that this tragedy has happened, and I hope you find peace knowing he's safe with God now. I remember him from when we were little kids and he was always nice to me and kind of quiet. Our prayers are with you all, Courtney.
Jackie Lura said…
We are praying for you and your whole family.
Christabelle said…
My heart goes out to you, Courtney. I pray God is close to you.
Felicia said…
Thanks for sharing your brother with us. I'm so sorry you and your family is having to go thru this. We love you and praying for ya.
MommyWise said…
I am so sorry for your loss...
Evonne Boggs said…
You are a strong young woman. Our prayers are with you. Thanks for posting pictures of your brother. Your post was a great tribute to him.

In our hearts,
Paul and Evonne
The Man Crew said… sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for you and your family in the coming weeks! Cherish the memories of your times together. Little Levi will be even MORE of a treasured blessing now. Hugs to you and the family,

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