Whenever Our Heart Condemns Us...
"By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything." 1 John 3:19-20
Here's my heart Lord,
Here's my heart Lord,
Here's my heart Lord,
Speak what is true.
'Cause I am found, I am Yours
I am loved, I'm made pure
I have life, I can breathe
I am healed, I am free
'Cause You are strong, You are sure
You are life, You endure
You are good, always true
You are light breaking through.
Our heart condemns us continually, but we can trust that God will speak truth to our heart.
I am working through some things in my Celebrate Recovery homework that are hard. And it would be easy to sit on the things that I'm learning about myself. But instead, I will listen to truth, and know that these things... these things that I am powerless to control on my own... are not ME.
I refuse to allow my identity to be in my struggle, but in who I am in Him, and who He is.
This is the truth that I choose to believe today.