Dangers of Borax

Lately I haven't been making my own laundry detergent for many reasons.  One, I found a natural detergent that I love and it is pretty inexpensive (ECOS Free and Clear- $10.99 for 100 loads at HEB).  It works well on Ethan's diapers, so I've just continued to use it.  Two, borax is in every single homemade detergent recipe that I have found, and I have read that it isn't very safe.  Here is a link that discusses this: Nature's Moms, The Dangers of Borax.
Today, though, I found a great homemade detergent recipe that does not contain borax (I'm a apart of a website called Cafemom, and a mom shared it).  Here it is:

2 gallons Water (hot)
1 bar Soap (grated)
2 cups Baking soda (yes baking soda–not washing soda)
  • Melt grated soap in a saucepan with enough hot water to cover. Cook on medium-low heat, stirring frequently until soap is melted.
  • In a large pail, pour 2 gallons hot water. Add melted soap, stir well.
  • Then add the baking soda, stir well again.
  • Use 1/2 cup per full load, 1 cup per very soiled load.
I will probably continue using ECOS for Ethan's diapers because his skin is VERY sensitive and baking soda isn't pH balanced (and ECOS is), but for everything else, I plan to start using homemade soon.  I'll let you know how it turns out!!


Danielle Leigh said…
I would really like to know how it turns out! Maybe I'll use it.

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