Sticking with Traditional Fats

One of my favorite blogs has been doing a series on fats, and like many times, I think she does a much better job of explaining things than I do :).  Her blogs are filled with a lot of info, and it is all easy to understand :).  Check out these blogs on why to eat traditional fats:

Fats to Eat, Fats to Avoid... or Why I Love Butter
Huge, but Easy Step Towards a Nourishing Diet: Stick with Traditional Fats, Part 1
Huge, but Easy Step Towards a Nourishing Diet: Stick with Traditional Fats, Part 2

We started using butter a long time ago, and coconut oil we started about a year ago.  It took us a lloonnggg time to get used to it, but now we use it in almost everything.  We love the smell and taste of it!  It can also be used for lotion or diaper rash cream!  It's wonderful stuff.  The hardest thing for us to stop using was canola oil... cause lets face it, sometimes it's just nice to have an oil that is practically tasteless.  But, it is horrible stuff.  Now, we only use butter, coconut oil, and olive oil.  It keeps things simple as well!


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