Household Notebook

Today I spent a little while re-organizing my Household Notebook so that I would start using it again :).  It didn't take a whole lot of work because I try desperately to keep it simple.  If you spend too much time organizing, it can make things more complicated... and you don't end up getting anything else done!  So, again, my goal is SIMPLE.  Here are some pictures of it (nothing is filled in because I just started it over!):

The daily docket I actually found on a blog titled Simple Mom.  She has a lot of great resources for organization.  The whole idea behind the "daily docket" is that it is a simple way to organize your day without making a rigid schedule or putting too much on your list.  And, it helps you to focus on your priorities.  I love it. 

This is my weekly master checklist.  This was actually created when we lived in our old house, so I will need to adjust it some (because we have more rooms now!).  I don't plan to worry about this for a little while since I will be having a newborn soon :).  I will need to get back into some kind of normal routine first!

Here I will put my weekly menus as well as monthly menus.  Right now all that is in it is my meal plan for after we have Levi. 


Behind the plan is 19 pages of recipes.  These are the most common meals that we fix. 

This is my list of household staple items for my monthly shopping (to make sure that I have all of the things on this list each month).  I will use this to make my shopping list.

This is the information from the Farm where I buy my raw milk, eggs, and some meat.

This is an order form for some grass fed beef.  I will order from Wild Type Ranch as well as Dyer Dairy.


I have a spreadsheet made of our monthly budget (it's on the left, inside the page protector), but we will use this one each paycheck to budget everything that we need at that time.

There's not a whole lot here right now... I plan to pick up on this next fall.  I have decided that it's not realistic right now :).

This is a blank lesson plan form for homeschool preschool.

I have a second notebook that I don't really use very much, but it contains a lot of resources and information.  I will be updating it soon and I will show pictures of it :).  I will call it my resource notebook. 


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