Cloth Diapering can be a bit overwhelming. Here is some information!

All-in-One (AIO's)
Cloth diaper that has an inner absorbent layer attached to an outer waterproof layer with adjustable closures (either Velcro or snaps). AIO's are just like disposable diapers except you wash them!

Uses Velcro or snap closures so cloth diaper fits closely to baby. Requires no folding, but requires a waterproof diaper cover.

Prefold Diaper
Rectangular shaped flat cloth diaper with an absorbent pad already sewn in. Comes in a variety of sizes and thicknesses.

Pocket Diaper
A diaper cover (waterproof) that has an opening for a folded cloth inserts to be "stuffed into." This is a two part cloth diapering system. These are similar to AIO's, but have one more step. The benefit of these versus AIO's is that they dry much faster, and are a bit less expensive. We use pocket diapers ( The ones that we use are "one size;" therefore, we don't have to ever buy more. They are a bit big for a newborn, so we just used disposables that were given to us by friends and family until they fit Ethan (at about 1 1/2 months).
Some others that I have heard about recently are called Fuzzi Bunz One Size. They have snaps instead of velcro, so they last longer. I have also heard that they adjust more than most one size.

Diaper Cover
Used over prefolds and fitted diapers to waterproof. Diaper covers wrap around baby and secures with Velcro or snaps for easy use (no more pins!). Each diaper cover can be used several times without washing if allowed to air dry between uses. Diaper covers usually can be washed along with diapers (depends on brand and manufacturer suggestions).
Diaper Inserts or Doublers
These add extra absorbency to any type of cloth diaper. The difference between a diaper insert and a diaper doubler is the size and thickness.

Is cloth diapering worth it?

Our reasons to cloth diaper: 1) Better for baby, 2) Better for environment, and 3) MUCH cheaper in the long run.

1) Better for baby: there are over 70 different chemicals found in disposable diapers. These chemicals can cause skin diseases, cancer, respiratory problems, etc.
2) Better for environment: disposables take about 500 years to break down. Think about how many disposables are sitting in our land fills...
3) Cheaper in the long run. We spent $240ish for 15 cloth diapers (we wash every 2 days). These are the only ones that we have to buy. If you buy disposables, you will spend approximately $1500-2000 over time (or more!). For us, it was just nice getting the expensive over with, and we don't have to worry about that monthly expense. We buy disposables every once in a while, but we don't really even like them at all anymore.


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