Natural Living Websites

Vitacost (personal care products, vitamins and supplements, herbs, some foods, etc... $5 flat rate shipping)
Lucky Vitamin (same products as Vitacost, but some things are even cheaper... $6 flat rate shipping)
Mountain Rose Herbs (coconut oil is CHEAP here)
Weston A. Price (Nutrition information)
Eat Wild (Pastured/Grass Fed animal information)
Consumer Reports (where I got a LOT of information on organic)
Real Foods (all kinds of information on Whole Foods)
Healthy Child (Lots of information on natural parenting: vaccines, nutrition, holistic alternatives, etc.)
Wholesome Baby Food (Making homemade baby food)
Nicki's Diapers (website in which we bought our cloth diapers... excellent service and they give lots of information on diapers)
Mothering (a website for people who are natural... it has a great forum to discuss natural living)


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